It was a very busy few days, Mike came to help me with tidying the allotment and back garden. Despite the bad weather forecast we managed to get a lot of work done. There wasn’t too much to do on the allotment, mainly things I couldn’t  do myself – hammering in upright posts, mending a raised bed and taking down the top  net of the fruit cage.

There was more to do in the back garden. The plants on the pond did too well and needed to be cut down, pulled out and some divided and replanted. Some of the high branches of the rambling rose needed a trim too so now all looks nice and tidy.

While Mike was sorting out the plants I picked another two kilo of green figs and made a big batch of the green fig preserve. We tried a jar from the first batch and they are delicious.

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-22 at 17.05.39

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